Oracle 19c on LiveSQL

I used to write about the Oracle free service for developers in the past. For those who work with Oracle databases and haven’t tested it I recommend go and try. It runs with a “SQL Developer like” interface with the ability to test syntax for your SQL queries, packages or procedures and provide a space where you can create small tables and try different things. Also, you have access to some shared example schema with data which can be used in your demonstrations and tests. The service runs on an Oracle Exadata hardware, supports HCC compression and uses the latest Oracle database software. And the version of the database software is the main topic of this today’s small post.
Today is the middle of January of 2019. We all know the Oracle naming for new versions of software reflects the year when it is issued. And today in the very first month of the new 2019 year we already can try shiny, new Oracle Database 19c. You have already guessed how you can do it. Continue reading “Oracle 19c on LiveSQL”